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Sometimes the fastest way to get there is to go slow

Book yoga

Aerial Restorative

Restore your energy with Aerial Restorative Yoga. The class is a slow and gentle practice that emphasizes relaxation with gentle stretching and movement using the hammock. A peaceful space is created to come and put your weight in the hammock and free yourself from your tensions. Thanks to the support of the hammock which carries and relieves us of our own weight, body and mind can relax on a deeper level.

Restorative Aerial Yoga is also a very good way to release tension in the lower back and restore space between the vertebrae. Hammocks are installed close to the ground, to secure a safe space for this practice.

Class is taught in english.

Baby Gong

A sound bath dedicated for babies. In this class there will be space for gentle exercise, or small massage routines followed by a gentle sound bath that will help soothe and relax you and your baby with an hour of gongs, Tibetan bowls, Koshi chimes and other instruments which create a sensory experience.

You can choose to enjoy the sound and the vibrations while laying down on a yoga mat on the floor or swinging gently in a hammock. The aim of the class is to relax both you and your baby in calm and safe surroundings. You are encouraged to do whatever you need to and feel like – you don’t need to stay still or quiet like a regular gong bath and you can feed, change and comfort your baby just where you are. Suitable for babies up to12 months.

Class is taught in English

Gong Shower/Bath

Gong Shower/Bath is pure relaxation accompanied by the sound of gong, tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls and percussion such as shakers, rattles and rainsticks. During the session you will relax while experiencing beautiful sounds of the instruments washing over you. The vibration of a gong is a powerful method for reducing stress. Known as a Gong Bath, the gong creates an ocean of sound that is profoundly relaxing and induces a holistic resonance in the body and spontaneous meditative state of mind, resulting in a sense of expanded awareness and wholeness.

The gong has been used for hundreds of years in the practice of yoga and meditation to accelerate the therapeutic transformation of the yoga practice. Through sound the Prana travel into our body to create deep relaxation, to clear the mind and stimulate the body.

Class is taught in English.

Restorative yoga

Med restorativ yoga får du mulighed for at slappe af på et dybt plan, mens du forbedrer balancen i dit nervesystem og din følelsesmæssige krop. Med en kombination af rolige flows, blide stræk og genopbyggende stillinger, hvor kroppen er støttet af puder, tæpper og blokke, kan du slippe alle spændinger, modvirke stress og give din krop og sind masser af ro og hvile.

Klassen undervises på dansk eller engelsk, efter behov.

With Restorative yoga you will balance your sensory and emotional body through a combination of calming flows, gentle stretches and restoring poses. With the support of pillows, blankets, and blocks, you´ll release tension and stress and be able to experience relaxation on a deeper level.

Class is taught in Danish or English, as needed.

Slow flow

På en Slow flow klasse vil du få muligheden for at komme ned i gear og finde ro i din krop. Det langsomme tempo gør det muligt for dig at udforske bevægelserne og stillingerne på et dybere plan. Du inviteres til at sætte dit eget tempo og bruge ekstra tid i de stillinger, som føles godt for dig. Du vil trække vejret og bevæge dig gennem dybe stræk med bevidsthed og blødhed. Forvent at slippe mentale og fysiske spændinger ved at frigøre dine vanlige bevægemønstre.

Klassen undervises på dansk eller engelsk, efter behov.

In a Slow flow class you’ll get the opportunity to wind down and find ease in your body. The slower pace of the class allows you to explore the movements and poses on a deeper level. You are invited to set your own pace during the class and to spend extra time in the poses, which feels best for you. You will breathe and move through deep stretches with awareness and softness. Expect to release mental and physical tension, by freeing your regular patterns of movement.

Class is taught in Danish or English, as needed.

Stress Detox

Du guides ind i en tilstand, hvor en kombination af åndedrætsteknik og et bestemt følelsesmæssigt, positivt fokus, påvirker din hjerterytme og får dit nervesystem til at falde til ro. Samtidig vil specifikke duftnoter fra essentielle olier ramme dit limbiske system og på få sekunder mindske stresssymptomer, fjerne tankemylder og overstimulering og skabe en følelse af indre ro. Endelig vil påvirkning fra lydfrekvensen 528 HZ, også kaldet ‘Mirakeltonen’, reducere produktionen af stresshormoner samt virke beroligende på dit autonome nervesystem. Afslutningsvis instrueres du i at afspænde psoasmusklen, således at du forløser den ophobede stress og spænding, der er ’frosset fast’ her.

Efter en time beretter deltagere om at føle sig rolige og afslappede på et anderledes dybt plan, som om cellerne er blevet nulstillede og genopladet. Endvidere opleves en følelsesmæssig balance og grounding samt at være landet i en mere autentisk væren med færre bekymringstanker og i større tillid til fremtiden. Mange beretter desuden om langt dybere og roligere søvn efterfølgende.

Klassen undervises på dansk

Yin & Lydhealing

Denne klasse er en kombination af yin yogaens lange, dybe og stille stræk med lydens healende kvaliteter. Stillingerne vil primært være siddende og liggende i langsomt tempo understøttet af lydhealing i form af harmonium spil og/eller andre instrumenter. Klassen afsluttes med en dyb afspænding til healende toner.

Klassen undervises på dansk eller engelsk, efter behov.

This class is a combination of the long, deep, and calmly stretches of Yin yoga combined with the healing qualities of sound. The poses will mainly be seated or lying down in a slow pace supported by sound healing from harmonium play or other instruments. The class finishes with a deep relaxation to healing tones.

Class is taught in Danish or English, as needed.

Yin yoga

Yin yoga tager udgangspunkt i simple, siddende og liggende stillinger. Stillingerne bliver ofte holdt mellem 3-5 minutter, da yin yoga især arbejder med bindevævet og kroppens meridianbaner. Du guides roligt ind i stillingerne gennem det nærværende åndedræt, så du kan give slip. Timens fokus er at skabe en følelse af nærvær og ro i din krop, som du altid kan vende tilbage til i løbet af hverdagen, mens du samtidig afspænder og afstresser din krop. Meditation vil ofte indgå som en naturlig del af vores yin yoga.

Klassen undervises på Dansk eller Engelsk, efter behov

Yin yoga is based on simple poses, where you’ll find yourself seated or lying down. Yin yoga targets the connective tissue and the meridians of the body, which is why each pose is often held between 3-5 minutes. You will be calmly guided into the poses using the awareness of your breath. The essential of the class is to create an aware sense of solitude free of tension and stress, which you can always turn to, during your everyday life. Meditation will often be a natural element of our yin yoga.

Class is taught in Danish or English, as needed.

Skab ro i krop og sind med yoga og bevægelse